Support our Institute

The Istituto per i Beni Musicali in Piemonte is a Third Sector organization registered at Runts and it is therefore possible to allocate a donation to support our activities.
On this page it is possible to fill in a special form to donate a contribution to be allocated to our research projects. In particular, your donation can support different projects, such as: a publication, a cataloging, or a digitalization projects and the activities of our library.


Publishing projects

The editing of the volume Le Fonti Musicali in Piemonte (Musical sources in Piedmont) is underway. V – Vercelli and Province – Lucca, LIM; your contribution will be destined to the conclusion of the researches and to the printing of the volume. Your name may be quoted in the congratulatory tablet of the volume;


Cataloging projects

The cataloging of the musical heritage of ecclesiastical libraries belonging to the territories of Piedmont is underway; your contribution will be allocated to the cataloging of new bibliographic collections of musical interest present in the collections. Your name may be cited as a supporter for one or more collections of music;


Digitalization projects

The digitalization of the personal archive of the Piedmontese musician Rosario Scalero (Moncalieri, 24-XII-1870 – Ivrea, 25-XII-1954) is underway. This archive was donated by the heirs to the Centro di Ricerca e Documentazione of Saluzzo (Research and Documentation Center of Saluzzo) of the Istituto per I Beni Musicali in Piemonte. Your name may be cited as a supporter of the project.


Our library

The cataloging in the National Library System (SBN) of music and works of musical interest belonging to the Centro di Ricerca e Documentazione di Saluzzo is underway. Your name may be cited as a supporter of our library.


We thank in advance all of you who want to contribute to our support!